Wednesday, September 14, 2005

I have had a number of people encouraging me to disallow amonymous posts. I'm not going to do that, because I'd like to see the widest range of posts possible, anonymous or not. I do believe however that if we all treat each other with respect, whether we agree or disagree, eventually nobody will need to post anonymously. Cynics will say that's not possible, while I say it is completely possible, but that whether or not it happens is completely up to all of you.

Thanks again to everyone who has taken the time to post, in less than 2 weeks we've had almost 150 comments posted. As Stan Z. said, we've created a real (or maybe virtual) town hall here!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mr. McNees,
I watched the workshop meeting today and was impressed by the professional replies of you and your department heads as they responded to a series of questions from Commissioner Shelin regarding the sewer spill controversy. I was impressed by the detail that should once and for all put to rest the witch hunt and some Commissioners need to participate in a “blame game”. The Key Moment for me was when you corrected Commissioner Shelin and told him that the consultant did NOT state that poor maintenance was the cause of the spill. Of course, Shelin let that moment pass. I did enjoy watching the Commissioner Bloviate regarding legal issues. I am not a Lawyer, but I am sure that if the same mistake is made twice, it is NOT a felony. Shelin is trying to show the city that he is the know everything commissioner. All that he accomplished today was to waste a significant amount of the city’s resources to prove once again that he will say anything to pander a few votes

15/9/05 6:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If the commissioners complain you do not communicate enough, I would like to complain you are communicating too much about Lift Station #7. Was today's special meeting necessary? How much time is the commission going to put into this issue? I bet Shelin and Chapman were embarrassed to hear during the televised meeting "Mr. Shelin, Ms. Chapman has faxed more questions." Now who's meeting is this anyway? How long are the commissioners going to let her run them around? Is it not enough already or does she want an official title "Queen of Poop"?

15/9/05 7:20 PM  
Blogger Michael McNees said...

Reminder - We're going to talk about issues here, not people. I appreciate the support of staff, but I assume everyone is doing what they believe is the right thing.

I said in an earlier post that to call someone out by name, anonymously, is poor form at best and cowardice at worst, and not what we're trying to accomplish here.

15/9/05 9:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was facinated by the dynamics today. A workshop designed to hurt the city was turned on the attacker by a well prepared response. Too bad the attacker did not realize he became the attackee.

15/9/05 10:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I do not think people mean any disrespect for Ms. Chapman and it is an "issue" that she appears to be running the commissioners. This is bothersome and the questions still remain, is there not any way the city can get past this issue? It is getting scary for people to even speak because every word is torn apart and dissected and up pops another question or another investigation is requested. I trust the Public Works department will conduct their jobs professionally which they always have. We are human and we do make mistakes and anyone who does not understand that is not human. This woman is a real issue and how do we help stop this from continuing. Possibly we just put her on the city payroll and she can be in charge of Lift Station #7 maintenance and learn the true meaning of working to make things better. The alternative is not good for employees, she is a moral killer and the commission has to see this. How much can you keep kicking the city employees that really do good jobs?

16/9/05 11:26 AM  
Blogger Michael McNees said...

I understand your point. I thought yesterday's meeting went a long way toward underscoring what you're saying, with the commission acknowledging the work of the department as well. Thanks for your well-articulated comments.

16/9/05 11:46 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have a suggestion for a potential $ savings for the city. At the workshop Commissioner Shelin had several suggestions on how to discover the truth should a city employee be suspected of lying. He said that “we have ways of making them talk…” or words to that effect. In the end, he suggested bringing in an expert from Chicago (a city known for having no corruption?). That sounds expensive to me. Please suggest that the Commissioner go to Border’s bookstore, there on an end cap, for only $9.95 is “How To Spot as Liar” by Gregory Hartley.

17/9/05 12:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There's probably some out of work CIA individuals or maybe some ex KGB they would be willing to administer "da vays" I suppose that would help this issue alive. For gods sake people. If certain individules don't get what they want they just call it something else, work shop my behind. How many commisioners even knew what a Lift Station was prior to Feb. 2005? Have they been to any? Did they do their due dilligence to see exactly what keeps a city running? Have they taken a tour, I mean a real tour not just to pretty new ones. It about the money people....

18/9/05 5:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who (not on city payroll) is working on changes to our city codes through text amendments aside from the city planning department? Is planning staff considering a fourth category of zoning allowing 7 or 8 story buildings, if so why? How does the public become part of these conversations?

19/9/05 2:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ms Chapman is not the issue and she is not the problem. She is not the cause of the lift station failures, she is not the cause of employee lapses in judgement while watching illegal ditch digging, she is not the cause of city staff morale problems. Allowing name calling posts to remain on this blog is disrespectful.

Ms. Chapman is a respected citizen who has pointed out failures in city departments, city management and city leadership. All of these people would rather not have her bringing up these failures. The result is that the messenger becomes the target of criticism.

If city staff, management and leadership would focus on solving the problems and making sure the same problems do not keep repeating in the future, the criticism Ms Chapman brings into focus will fade rapidly. If change does not occur, the criticism will only get louder.

If we continue managing the city the same way we did years ago, we will continue to see the same issues we have always seen.

21/9/05 10:35 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Most of staff does not feel Ms. Chapman has been labeled as the problem. Our staff is more than qualified to run the public works department and run the lift stations properly. Errors do happen and they are being corrected. This happens on a daily basis all around us, in every aspect of our lives. Ms. Chapman has personally attacked the staff and continues to attack and this is different than working for constructive change. Her dedication is not the problem but making the employees feel like everything they have done and do is wrong has not been good for moral. When is the commission going to realize they do have a great staff and tell them so? Thank you Mr. McNees for being crystal clear with your communication on your position and your continued support to make this a better organization.

21/9/05 11:21 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

City staff, management and leadership are focused on solving the problems. An outside consultant was brought in, at considerable expense, so that there could be no perception of a cover up. Changes have been made in procedure and policy. It is easy to make a charge that is a generalization and not specific. It is easy to parse words. It is easy to shout about failures in city departments, city management and city leadership. The reality is that generalizations are usually wrong. These issues are extremely complicated. Equipment breaks and people make mistakes. There is no doubt that our city has superior employees, management, and leadership. Just attend a city convention anywhere in the country and mention Sarasota. We are well known as one of the best run cities in the nation. Wouldn’t it be smarter for people charging failure in all departments to work with the city for constructive change since they will be asking these “failures” for $20,000,000 to move that lift station?

21/9/05 5:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Has the City ever considered a performance audit of its departments? Although the City has grown it appeas its organizational structure has remained the same. By having a performance audit conducted you may find that conoldiation of functions might be possible. For example, there is equipment maintenance in Police and Public Works. Facilities functions might be consolidated under Public Works. You are presently advertising for a Facility Manager under General Services. Yet, there are no BOMA certifications or Facilities certifications required. Consolidating this function might allow for a "pooling" of maintenance staff and a certified Facility Manager, under Public Works, (perhaps at a higher salary), might be able to assign maintenance for all buildings, including your stadium and auditoriums as needed. A certified Facility Manager might be able to recommend outsourcing for certain functions. It may not be necesary to have building staff onsite at all times but may be able to be assigned when needed and pulled from a "pool." You may even have a "day labor" bid which would allow you to pull many of your staff needed for certain maintenance functions from this type of bid instead of employing full time staff. Environmental building issues may be more recognizable to a trained professional and certainly renovation and construction projects could be coordinated under this function for Public Buildings in consort with Public Works.
Also, perhaps the Deputy City Manager position could be split into two positions. It would appear that your office could then have the latitude to assign special research or even address some of the administrative functions assigned to other departments. It might provide you with the opportunity to streamline your organization looking first at consolidating present department functions. Have you ever looked at job sharing opportunities to eliminate benefit payment. The mail courier function comes to mind. It is never popular when it might concern the elimination or reassignment of staff. However, the audit might also indicate that the departmental structure is working fine.

9/11/05 6:18 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am curious as to why the City Mayor's first call would be to the City Manager when she had her Blackberry. Is it the City managers responsibly to act as a personal assistant? I would think as City Manager your time could be better utilized on city business.

10/2/06 10:47 AM  

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